Our partnerships with external institutions and organizations enrich and inspire our work. Learn more about the current programs and partnerships – and perhaps become a cooperation partner yourself.
Partners for our CAS program
Our students’ social commitment and engagement in local projects is an integral part of the curriculum at UWC Robert Bosch College. We cooperate with 26 institutions and groups in and around Freiburg, ranging from care homes, kindergartens and shelters for the homeless to community gardens and schools. Through this cooperation and exchange, we try to create mutual learning experiences. While institutions benefit from the support of young adults from different backgrounds, our students improve their social skills by taking care of others and getting out of their comfort zone and into the Freiburg community.
A focus has been put on the work with and support of refugees in Freiburg: together with a local union (Bürgerverein Oberwiehre-Waldsee), UWC Robert Bosch College has established projects in nearby refugee shelters, such as a women’s café, child care activities and a buddy program.

European Environment Foundation
Once a year, the European Environment Foundation based in Freiburg organizes the International Convention of Environmental Laureates (ICEL), gathering around 100 winners of prestigious environmental prizes in our ‘green city’ for a few days. And each year, the laureates visit UWC Robert Bosch College for the Young Talents Day to share their experiences with environmental activism and sustainability with students from the Freiburg area, from our College and from Freiburg University.
Young Talents Day 2017: a short video introduction. Sustainability coordinator and biology teacher Kristin Kaschner explains why the event is so valuable for students.

The Carl-Schurz-Haus in Freiburg is a binational cultural center organizing around 250 events each year focusing on current cultural and political topics in the USA. As a meeting place for people interested in the U.S., it offers lectures, workshops and literary readings with American and German experts. Since 2015, events have also taken place at UWC Robert Bosch College and in collaboration with our students, for example the event ‘My Digital Revolution’, organized together with the business network bwcon, and focusing on topcis around society, work and politics in the digital era. Guests speaker and panelists included the Head of Sales at Google Germany John Gerosa or German publicist Anke Domscheit-Berg.
The event “My Digital Revolution” takes a closer look at digitization and AI, analyzing their impact on our society and work environment together with guest speakers.

Pro Specie Rara
The foundation Pro Specie Rara promotes the historico-cultural and genetical diversity of plants and animals. Since 2015, the School Garden at UWC Robert Bosch College has been one of the foundation’s showcase gardens, because its diversity provides an ideal environment for rare animals and plants. ProSecieRara often holds seminars or workshops at the College – visit our Events Calendar to find out more!
Workshop for students on categorizing and sorting seeds, as part of the College’s Sustainability Focus Day.

Bauerngarten- und Wildkraeuterland Baden e.V.
The network Bauerngarten- und Wildkraeuterland Baden e.V. is a coalition of herbal and nature pedagogues, farmers, nature guides and others. It organizes the ‘Bauerngartenroute’, an annual tour of farm gardens all over Baden-Württemberg. As part of the ‘Bauerngartenroute’, our School Garden can be visited during the summer months.
The school garden in full blossom. Captured by Sebastian Schröder-Esch.