Supporting students in taking the next steps: University and Career Counselling at UWC Robert Bosch College
Our University and Career Counsellor supports students in planning their journeys after UWC. From university choices to vocational training opportunities – we help students set future goals, find suitable programs and submit their applications. Over the years, UWC has built an excellent network of schools and universities worldwide which provide our students with scholarships for their journeys onward, this helping us guarantee higher education irrelevant of the graduates’ financial background.
Most of the students at UWC Robert Bosch College are headed to College or University right after finishing the International Baccalaureate. This international degree is recognized worldwide and guarantees admission into most universities and colleges. While a wide range of places of study is available to students with a completed IB Diploma, the most popular destinations are the USA, followed by Canada, the UK and Germany. Depending on the country of study, regulations regarding recognition may differ and these can be discussed in advance with our counsellor. The students of our first two generations have been accepted into universities all over the world, among them Stanford, Yale, NYU Abu Dhabi, Princeton University, the University of British Columbia, the University of Edinburgh, Sciences Po, Humboldt Universität Berlin and many more. Most of them have also received excellent scholarships which cover most of their expenses. In the U.S., students are supported by the Davis UWC Scholarship Program. As an alternative to academic studies, students can choose to pursue vocational training. Among our recent graduates are nurses in training, carpenters and event engineers. Some alumni of UWC Robert Bosch College have seized this opportunity to live and work in Ecuador, Brazil, India, Norway or Senegal among others. In the Huffington Post, UWC graduate Ana Gvozdić shares her experience of living and working in Ecuador as a participant of the Global Citizen Program.
Learn more about the Davis-UWC scholarship programSTATISTICS
Since the foundation of the College, seven student generations have graduated from RBC – here are some statistics.
IB Diploma graduates and counting
UWCRBC IB point average
of our students continued with a university degree right after graduation, many on scholarships.
of our students took a Gap / Volunteer Year before taking up their studies or vocational training.
Are you running an interesting volunteer program? Or are you open to having UWC graduates studying at your university? We are looking forward to establishing new contacts and partnerships. By visiting UWC Robert Bosch College, you can introduce your program or institution directly to our students. Contact our University and Admissions Counsellor Hubertus Zander to coordinate a visit.

Admissions and University Councelor
+49 (0)761 708 395 00
More information about UWC Robert Bosch College can be found in our school profile.
School Profile.pdf 300kb