10. July 2023

IB Diploma Results 2023

Last week, the International Bachalaureate published the final results for the 2023 graduates – we would like to congratulate all our students on their fantastic achievements. With a grade point average of 35.2 (global average being 30.24), RBC maintains its strong track record; indeed, as Rektor Laurence Nodder says, „they are outstanding in the context of the backgrounds of our students”:

„These official grades supplement the extraordinary growth and development of each graduate during their almost-two years’ at RBC, which in my view is the most important form of learning at a UWC. With sufficient financial resources, one can study for the IB Diploma in most parts of the world. Only at a UWC can one learn – in the broadest sense – in the context of forming community with a deliberately diverse student and staff body, with all the joy, challenge and opportunity that this brings. I want to pay special tribute to those students who arrived in August 2021 at RBC never having studied before through English, several who arrived with only rudimentary English. Your achievements are doubly remarkable and quite possibly still do not reflect your abilities fully.”

Results 2023
IB points
RBC 2023
RBC 2023
RBC 2022
RBC 2019
world 2022
world 2019
0-23 points 2 2,4% 1,2% 4,1% 10,92% 18,14%
24-29 points 6 7,1% 13,1% 13,6% 23,09% 30,42%
30-34 points 22 26,2% 25,0% 34,4% 27,81% 26,11%
35-39 points 40 47,6% 33,3% 25,0% 23,48% 17,73%
40-45 points 14 16,7% 27,4% 22,9% 14,70% 7,61%




10. July 2024

Written by student Vivi Engebrigtsen (RBC 2023-25) Since 2022, the Erasmus+-supported Jean Monnet Network has worked to bring students at International Baccalaureate schools into the European loop through educational field trips and projects focusing on the EU. Following last year’s …

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08. July 2024
IB-Diploma Results for the Class of 2024

On July 6th, the IB published the results for IB-Diploma students worldwide. We would like to congratulate our 9th generation of students at RBC for their achievements! Here’s a message from our Rektor Laurence Nodder: “Since its beginning in 2014, …

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Key dates for the current school year 2023/2024

Here you can download the most important key data and dates for the school year 2023/2024.

RBC_School Calendar_2023_2024

Key dates for the upcoming school year 2024/2025

Here you can download the most important key data and dates for the school year 2024/2025.

Calendar 2024 2025 Final