02. April 2019

Minister of Education and Cultural Affairs visiting UWC

On Thursday March 21 2019, Minister of Education and Cultural Affairs Susanne Eisenmann (CDU) visited UWC Robert Bosch College for the first time. During her visit, she caught a glimpse of the ideas behind the United World Colleges, as well as of life on campus. Sarah and Eray, two students, gave the Minister a tour over campus, showing her the student houses and taking her to the school’s Auditorium, where Ms. Eisenmann was greeted by all 200 students of the College, as well as staff and principal Laurence Nodder. The occasion for the visit arose after the provincial government’s agreement on the funding of private schools; UWC Robert Bosch College is one of the profiters of this agreement. The College grants 140 full scholarships to young adults from over 100 different countries who come to Freiburg for two years to gain their IB (International Baccalaureate) Diploma. The scholarships are partly financed with the help of the Land Baden-Württemberg, as well as multiple patrons and donors.

The Badische Zeitung also reported on the visit of the Minister. You can read the article by clicking on this link (website in German): LEUTE (veröffentlicht am Sa, 23. März 2019 auf badische-zeitung.de)


10. July 2024

Written by student Vivi Engebrigtsen (RBC 2023-25) Since 2022, the Erasmus+-supported Jean Monnet Network has worked to bring students at International Baccalaureate schools into the European loop through educational field trips and projects focusing on the EU. Following last year’s …

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08. July 2024
IB-Diploma Results for the Class of 2024

On July 6th, the IB published the results for IB-Diploma students worldwide. We would like to congratulate our 9th generation of students at RBC for their achievements! Here’s a message from our Rektor Laurence Nodder: “Since its beginning in 2014, …

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Key dates for the current school year 2023/2024

Here you can download the most important key data and dates for the school year 2023/2024.

RBC_School Calendar_2023_2024

Key dates for the upcoming school year 2024/2025

Here you can download the most important key data and dates for the school year 2024/2025.

Calendar 2024 2025 Final