25. April 2024

Building Common Ground: Film über die Entstehung des RBC im Kommunalen Kino | 3. Juni, 19:30

The creation of an unlikely place:

Der Filmemacher und UWC-Alumnus Lars Ostmann wird am 3. Juni im Rahmen der Reihe Freiburger Fenster seinen 90-minütigen Film  “Building Common Ground” im Kommunalen Kino vorstellen. Der Film beleuchtet, wie junge Menschen aus aller Welt zusamenleben und gemeinsam Wege erlernen, sich für Nachhaltigkeit und Frieden einzusetzen.

Kommunales Kino, Urachstraße 40
Montag, 3. Juni 2024, 19:30
Building Common Ground (2021), 90 Minuten
Director: Lars Ostmann

In times of ecological destruction and growing inequality, how do we learn to coexist? This documentary film delves into the story of a school dedicated to fostering peace and global sustainability. Here, young people from diverse backgrounds unite, transcending societal divides. Admission isn’t determined by wealth, but rather by a commitment to serving humanity.
The genesis of this place traces back to the visionary German pedagogue, Kurt Hahn, forced to flee his homeland due to his opposition to Hitler. He wished to build such a school in his home country, and now this dream is coming true after all.
The film traces the inception, birth, and daily life of the college, offering intimate glimpses into the experiences of its founders, educators, and inaugural students. Together, they embark on a journey to build and cultivate common ground.

Director’s Note:
When I was 16, I yearned to explore the world beyond my horizon. Being granted a scholarship at the United World College in Hong Kong allowed me to do just that. The two years spent living among students and staff from diverse backgrounds have had a profound impact on my life. I often found myself pondering how such an unlikely place, with such diversity and idealism, was even possible to come into existence.
When I heard that a UWC was to be founded in my homecountry Germany, I could not resist sneaking into the process with a camera. The experience of witnessing this, while being somewhat of an insider and outsider at the same time, made me reflect about many things anew.
I hope this film will ignite and enrich discussions about themes of peace and community building, education and sustainability, and about what it means to live together on this one planet.


09. Januar 2025
Cécile Verny und Will Bartlett zu Gast bei Kultur in der Kartause | 01. Februar 2024

Jazz zu Jahresbeginn mit Cécile Verny und Will Bartlett Ein Highlight gleich zu Beginn des Jahres: Die Benefizkonzertreihe Kultur in der Kartause am UWC Robert Bosch College lädt am Samstag, 01. Februar 2024 ins Auditorium des UWC ein: Zu Gast …

02. Dezember 2024
Update von unserer Rektorin

Rektorenbriefe Im Folgenden finden Sie den jeweils aktuellen Brief (im Englischen) unserer Rektorin an die Elternschaft und die Betreuer:innen unserer Schüler:innen sowie die Nationalkomittees. Vergangene Briefe finden Sie am Ende des Berichts. 2nd December 2024 Dear Parents and Guardians, As …



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