Class of 2023: Abschluss und Abschied
Wir gratulieren dem 8. Jahrgang Schüler:innen am UWC Robert Bosch College, die am Sonntag, 21. Mai 2023 im Beisein von Eltern, Erziehungsberechtigten, Gastfamilien und der UWC Gemeinschaft feierlich verabschiedet wurden. Zwei Jahre UWC-Erfahrung liegen nun hinter ihnen; bereits am Montag, 22. Mai haben sie das UWC Robert Bosch College verlassen. Die Abschiedsfeier, die im Ehrenhof des Colleges stattfand, kann hier nachgeschaut werden.
RBC-Lehrer Mike Minasyants sprach als Vertreter der Belegschaft zu den Schüler:innen; hier ein Auszug aus seiner Abschiedsrede:
„During our two years together, we have learned about, responded to, and taken very seriously the issues of global significance such as peace and conflicts, the sustainable future, feminism, identities and human rights, racism and discrimination, to name a few. I am convinced that much of this learning happened in the classroom, but perhaps an even greater proportion happened outside of it. Thank you for making it happen. I encourage you to carry the lessons learned on this hill and make a difference wherever you go.
Remember to embrace the RIGHT kind of tolerance which you have learned to cultivate while being a member of this community.
Remember the friendships forged with people from different corners of the globe, as they have enriched your understanding of humanity.
Remember that falafel and baklava continue to be the best food in the world. And remember my drawings of animals.
Remember, you are not the voice of in your mind—you are the one who hears it.
And remember that you are enough. You were ALWAYS enough.And in conclusion, I want to use a quote from famous poet Rilke who wrote this line while he was living in Duino castle where our sister UWC Adriatic college is based
“In love we need to practice only this: letting each other go.”Be nice to each other, share food and drink water.“