20. März 2025

Städte der Zukunft entwerfen: Die Liveable Cities Projektwoche

Ein Beitrag von unserem Schüler Nate Wilbourne from New Zealand (RBC 2024-26)

From 10th – 15th March, our first-year students participated in our annual ‘Liveable Cities Week.’ This week enables students to explore how cities can be built for the future, shaped sustainably, and made ‘liveable’. Students were divided into teams and assigned a city to focus on throughout the week. With support from external guests, they engaged in workshops and excursions covering social, economic, and environmental sustainability.
Topics ranged from gender equality in cities to designing a sustainable school curriculum. Students also had the opportunity to visit the ISE Solar Research Institute, local waste treatment plants, and the Freiburg City Hall. By the end of the week, each team presented a final vision for their city which took the form of websites, physical models, and even slam poetry performances.

We were fortunate to host a workshop at the college led by ICLEI Europe’s Clotilde Mahé, Shreya Utkarsh, and Simon Racé, focusing on practical tools for engaging youth in local governance. Students explored and evaluated different tools and methods used to engage youth, including Youth Councils, Board Games, and Hackathons, to understand their effectiveness in the local government space. Their feedback is now shaping NBS EduWORLD’s ‘Youth Inclusion Toolkit’ – a resource which is empowering youth across Europe to participate in local decision making.

„The feedback from UWC Robert Bosch College students will play a key role in refining the Youth Inclusion Toolkit, ensuring it is both practical and youth-friendly. This collaboration marks an exciting step in the development of the NBS EduWORLD Youth Inclusion Toolkit, and we look forward to continuing to integrate youth perspectives into our work. By empowering young voices, we are helping to build stronger, more inclusive communities for a sustainable future.“

Find an article by NBS EduWORLD here.


24. März 2025
Update von unserer Rektorin

Rektorenbriefe Im Folgenden finden Sie den jeweils aktuellen Brief (im Englischen) unserer Rektorin an die Elternschaft und die Betreuer:innen unserer Schüler:innen sowie die Nationalkomittees. Vergangene Briefe finden Sie am Ende des Berichts. 24th January 2025 Dear Parents and Guardians, Spring …

23. März 2025
Schwerpunkt Europäische Politik: Exkursion nach Brüssel

Ein Artikel unserer Schülerin Juli Janitz (RBC 2024-26) From the 17th to the 21st of March, six students from RBC were given the opportunity to participate in the “JMO Project” (Jean Monnet Erasmus +) and dive into the world of …



Eckdaten für das laufende Schuljahr 2024/2025

Hier finden Sie die wichtigsten Daten für das laufende Schuljahr 2024/2025 im Überblick.

Calendar 2024 2025 Final

Eckdaten für das kommende Schuljahr 2025/2026

Hier finden Sie die wichtigsten Daten für das kommende Schuljahr 2025/2026 im Überblick.

RBC Key Dates 2025 2026 Final